Mail - How do I set up a new mail account?

These instructions only apply to Landau identifiers!

1. select the "Mail" > "Add account ..." entry in the menu bar. The setup wizard for email accounts is started.

2. add an e-mail address of the University of Landau by selecting the entry"Other mail account ..." and then clicking on"Continue".

3. enter the following input data in the next dialog box:

Name:the user name (here: Maxime Muster)
E-mail address:the e-mail address to be set up (here:
password:the password associated with the e-mail address

Then click on"Log in".

4. enter the following input data in the next dialog box:

Account type:IMAP
Server for incoming
Server for outgoing

Then click on"Login".

5 Finally, you can select additional (optional) applications to be linked to your user account. The
setup wizard is closed by clicking the"Done" button. You can now send and receive emails via email.

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