Mail - Share SOGo calendar with other users

The sharing of calendars works in Sogo via the user rights. The following steps are necessary to share a calendar:

1. Switch to the calendar tab.

2. click on the dot symbol for the desired calendar. (Create a new calendar with the plus symbol if required).

3. click on "User rights".

4. enter the desired user. If rights for "All authenticated users" are set here, all persons registered on the Landau campus can access this calendar, which is why we generally advise against such releases.

5. now assign the desired user rights. If "Subscribe for the user" is checked, the desired user no longer has to do this independently. This should only be done in consultation with the intended user.

6. confirm with "Save".

URZ support

For technical support and inquiries


Building: EIII
Room: 48
Floor: EG
76829 Landau

Tel.: +49 6341 +49 (0)6341 280-31184

E-Mail: support at


Montag - Donnerstag
08:00 - 11:30 O `clock

Montag - Donnerstag
11:30 - 16:30 O `clock

08:00 - 13:30 O `clock