

URZ-Landau provides two options for problem solving. One is a support center to support employees and students on site and the other is a ticket system to answer questions and provide assistance online.



For technical assistance and inquiries


Building: EIII, Room: 48, Floor: EG
76829 Landau

Opening Hours

Monday - Friday   08:00 - 11:30 O `clock

Monday - Thursday   12:30 - 16:30 O `clock

Friday   08:00 - 13:30 O `clock

Problem solving

Due to the current situation, we would like to explain measures that the URZ has to take due to the necessary contact avoidance. Rest assured that we will still be there for you by phone, mail and remote maintenance. However, the following changes will occur in other areas:


Contact support avoidance
We ask that you limit requests that require personal contact as much as possible. In absolutely exceptional cases it is possible that we arrange an appointment at the URZ support, but only if no other solution is possible. This is only possible by arrangement.


Request for increased self-commitment
Due to the increased need to move work to the digital medium, we would like to refer again to the instructions on our homepage. Especially the instructions for installing the VPN tunnel, the Nextcloud and for mounting the network drives, we would like to explicitly highlight here.


User applications
Please send us the applications digitally to rzbuero(at) as far as possible. For user applications we need the personal data and the signature of the applicant.
The signature of the head of the institution, if a signature on the application is not possible, can be replaced by a mail via the personal mail address of the head of the institution. This must contain the information to be filled in the form by the head and include the name of the applicant and the user ID from the application for a clear assignment of the application.


PC deliveries and setups can be severely delayed. Nevertheless, we continue to work to have your equipment delivered to you as soon as possible. If it is possible for you to put the device into operation on your own, the initial software setup can also be done remotely.

The URZ provides a helpdesk in room 48 (building EIII, ground floor) where employees as well as students can voice concerns directly on site. Please note that support can only be provided to a limited extent. The extent to which problems can be dealt with on site depends heavily on time and effort. Accordingly, it is requested that you only contact the support in problem cases that have to do with university concerns.

The ticket system is a management software used by the URZ to process problems and requests in a controlled manner. Ideally, support requests should always be processed via the ticket system, as this is the only way to guarantee fast and efficient processing.


The ticket system can be found at
To create a ticket, write an e-mail to support(at)
Alternatively, you can create a ticket via the website.


The ticket system works as follows:

  1. click on "New ticket".
  2. log in with your URZ user ID.
  3. select a suitable help topic and formulate your request as precisely and concretely as possible.
  4. click on "open ticket
  5. an overview of the opened ticket appears. The ticket can now be supplemented with further information. From now on, the ticket will be forwarded to the responsible department in the support and processed as quickly as possible.

The status of the ticket can be viewed at any time in the Tickets tab. If an answer is submitted, a notification mail will be sent automatically.

In some support cases, it becomes necessary for URZ staff to conduct a remote maintenance session with you.  In order to simplify this connection, we have put together a short guide Link

Online Support

The quickest way to get help with RPTU topics is via the RHRZ FAQ, where the most frequently asked questions and problems are continuously recorded and answered. Instructions for Landau legacy systems can be found here on our website.

If you still need direct assistance from us, please submit a support request (ticket) either directly on the website under Support request or by e-mail to

Browse FAQLD manualsRPTU manualsSubmit support request

RZ Service Center Landau

IT support for employees & students


Building: EIII, Room: 48, Floor: EG
76829 Landau


Montag - Freitag   09:00 - 11:00 O `clock

Montag - Donnerstag   12:30 - 15:00 O `clock

Please provide the following information with a new ticket:


  • A detailed error description

  • Your RPTU/URZ account name

  • Your RPTU affiliation (unit / matriculation number, ...)

  • Your location (Landau or Kaiserslautern)

Thank you for your cooperation!