Mail - Send a mail as an attachment in Outlook

These instructions only apply to Landau identifiers!

As part of a security check, it is often necessary to send an email as an attachment. It is important that the e-mail is not sent as a text file or similar.

In Outlook, an e-mail can be sent as an attachment as follows:

1. open the mail with a double click.

2. click on "More" -> "Forward as attachment

3. a new window opens in which the mail is attached. This new mail can now be edited and sent.

RZ Service Center Landau

IT support for employees & students


Building: EIII, Room: 48, Floor: EG
76829 Landau


Montag - Freitag   09:00 - 11:00 O `clock

Montag - Donnerstag   12:30 - 15:00 O `clock