Mail - Synchronize SOGo calendar with Outlook

These instructions only apply to Landau identifiers!

In order to fully integrate the Sogo calendars into Outlook, i.e. also with write access, a plugin is required that enables Outlook to read Cal-Dav calendars.

We use the plugin"Outlook CalDav Synchronizer".
It can be downloaded free of charge using the following link.


Now the setup file must be executed, making sure that Outlook is closed.
After installation, we recommend the following procedure:

Find out CalDav address

For synchronization in Outlook, the CalDAV address must first be read out in Sogo. This is done as follows:

  1. Open Sogo in the browser, log in and navigate to the calendar page.

2. click on the dot symbol for the desired calendar and then click on "Links to this calendar".

3. now copy the link under "CalDAV URL".

Configure Outlook

After the "Outlook CalDav Synchronizer" has been installed, there is a corresponding tab in Outlook.
1. click on "Synchronization Profiles" here

2. click on the green plus.

3. leave the point at "Generic CalDAV/CardDAV" and confirm with "Ok".

4. the configuration window is now displayed. The following windows must be filled in:

1Enter the name of the calendar here, e.g: SOGO LD Calendar
2Click on the dot symbol to specify the folder in Outlook. (see instructions below)
3Paste the copied URL from step 1 here
4Enter the user name without here
5Enter the corresponding password here


To create a new calendar folder, click on "New...".

Specify the name here and be sure to select "Calendar" under "Folder contains elements of type:". Confirm with OK.

Select the created folder and confirm with "OK".

Click on "Test or discover settings" to check that the information is correct.
5. in the "Sync settings" area, you can set the automatic synchronization under "Synchronization interval (minutes)".
6. close the window by clicking on "Ok".

To illustrate this, here is another completed window:

The newly created folder should now be visible in the Calendar area. By clicking on "Synchronize now", you can manually synchronize
at any time.

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