Note: These instructions only apply to Landau identifiers!
The delegation of groups that can be used in the Nextcloud and Samba group drives can be conveniently managed in IDM via a web interface at . The following steps are necessary for this:
1. Log in to IDM.
2. switch to the "Groups" tab.
3. all groups to which the registered user ID has delegation rights can be seen on the right-hand side. To add an ID, it must be entered in the "User ID" field and confirmed by clicking on "Add".
4. to remove an identifier, simply click on the trash can icon next to the name of a user ID.
5. to facilitate communication with the group, you can also create a so-called e-mail alias by clicking on the box next to " Create mail alias" , with which all group members can be reached by e-mail at the same time.
6 Once you have finished managing the groups according to your wishes, it may take some time for the changes to be applied in the system. To apply the changes immediately, click on the "Publish changes immediately" link.