Mail - Synchronize SOGo calendar with Apple calendar

These instructions only apply to Landau identifiers!

MacOS already supports synchronization of SOGo calendars with the standard system applications. The following instructions were created with macOS Mojave 10.14. It is possible that other operating system versions have slightly different menu items.

To synchronize a calendar from SOGo, you must take the following steps:

1. open "Calendar".

2. click on Calendar ->Accounts . ..

3. first click on "Add another account".

4. in the following window, double-click on "CalDav account...".

5. set the account type to Advanced. Please make the following entries in the following window:

Username:Your user name (URZ ID) with or without "" - both variants work.
Password:The password for your user ID
Server path:/SOGo/dav/ (use the URZ ID instead of "your user name")


Please make sure that Use SSL is checked!


6. click on Log in.

7. the standard calendar has now been set up. Only the personal calendars are visible by default.

Show subscribed calendars

To display subscribed calendars, proceed as follows:

1. click on Calendar -> Settings...

2. select Accounts. Then select the Authorization tab.

3. the subscribed calendars should be visible here and can be selected or deselected as desired.

Subscribed calendars are visible in the calendar window under the Authorized representatives section.

Please note: By default, calendars are only set up with manual synchronization, i.e. when appointments are entered, you must always click on the calendar field with a command click and select "Update all". Alternatively, you can set a time interval in the
calendar settings.

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