Mail - Manage several different signatures in Thunderbird

These instructions only apply to Landau identifiers!

To manage multiple signatures for a single account in Thunderbird, it is necessary to install a free plugin. It is therefore important to install the "Signature Switch" add-on according to the instructions here before taking any steps. The following steps are then necessary:

Set up signatures

1. create one or more text documents with the signature (.txt format)

2. start Thunderbird and switch to the add-on area. Click on "Extensions" here. Click on "Settings" under "Signature Switch".

3. click on "New" in the opened window.

4. now enter the title of the desired signature (1) and specify the path to the appropriate .txt file in the lower field by clicking on the folder symbol (2).

If necessary, enter further settings.
5. the path and the selected description should now appear in the window. Confirm with "OK".

6. you should now see an overview of all signatures set in this way. Confirm with "OK" here too.

Use signatures

Option 1: Configure toolbar

1. click on "View" when composing an email. Navigate to "Toolbars" and "Customize".

2. drag the Signature Swicht icon to any location in the toolbar.

3. the options menu can now be called up via the toolbar and a signature can be inserted.

Option 2: Context menu

1. if no additional symbol is desired, the signature can be switched on or off by right-clicking in the mail window under "Signature Switch" and inserting the desired signature.

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