Specify path in Thunderbird
As soon as you have finished creating your control file, you must enter the path to the files in Thunderbird. Here you can see how to find this
and where to enter it.
- Open your Explorer and navigate to the folder in which the attachments are located.
- Now click on the small arrow pointing downwards at the top of the bar.
- The text in the bar should now automatically be highlighted in blue. Copy this text to the clipboard with "CTRL + C" or by right-clicking on the text and then "Copy".
6. Now paste the copied text into the field using "CTRL + V" or right-click on the text field and then "Paste". The path must begin with the corresponding drive letter, as in the example. If this is not the case, the path is incomplete.
7. add a "\" and then "{{attach}}" to the path as shown in the example. The "attachments" must correspond to the column heading from your .csv file.
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