Mail - Create a signature in SOGo

It only takes a few clicks to create a signature in Sogo.

Create a signature:

1.go to the URL
2.enter the following input data and start the login process by clicking on the "Login" button.
User name: your URZ user ID
Password: the password you have entered on the "Settings" button.

4.navigate to the "E-mail" > "IMAP ACCOUNTS" page via the menu. on the"pencil icon" to the right of the email address for which you want to create a signature.

6.create your signature in the input field.
7.finish setting up the signature by clicking on the "OK" button. the settings by clicking on the"Save" button.

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Montag - Donnerstag   11:30 - 16:30 O `clock

Freitag   08:00 - 13:30 O `clock