Mail - Set up substitution access in Sogo

Delegation access in Sogo works slightly differently than in Groupwise. Sogo enables the writing of shared accounts under the name "Delegation" on the one hand and access to shared folders under the term "User rights" on the other. The processes are presented here one after the other.


Delegation only allows you to send emails with the authorization of another user account. In principle, this option can also be enabled via the user rights, which is why this solution is particularly useful for those who explicitly only want to pass on the ability to send emails.

1. first navigate to the mail account.

2. select "Delegation" from the item menu next to the mail account.

3. enter the desired user ID in the "Add user" field.

Using delegation now works like this:

1. Compose an email.

2. click on the arrow next to the user ID at the top.

3. the shared accounts should now be available for selection.

User rights

User rights are sometimes only relevant for individual folders, but sometimes they also affect entire accounts. It should be noted that set permissions always also apply to subfolders. It should also be noted that the rights for sending mails automatically set up a delegation for the selected address. This only becomes visible after logging out and in again. To remove this, the delegation must be deleted and the "Send mails" checkbox must be unchecked in the user rights.

User rights give different users different options for using their own mail account. To set these, the following must be done:

1. Navigate to "User rights" in the desired folder via the options menu.

2. enter a user. IMPORTANT: This must be a user registered at the university in Sogo. This user will be searched for and can then be selected by clicking on it. PLEASE DO NOT set any RIGHTS under "All authenticated users". These will not work.

3. select the desired user rights and click on "Save". All rights can be set at once under the symbol at 1.

4. if the rights have been set, a folder called "Other users" should appear for the shared user, in which the shared folders are located. It may be necessary to log out and log in again.

5. if the rights are to be removed again, simply click on the dustbin symbol in the same selection menu for the released user. Important: If a delegation has been set, it should now also be deleted.

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