Set up e-mail forwarding


The URZ strongly advises against setting up forwarding to EXTERNAL PROVIDERS, especially when it comes to study-related content. If you nevertheless activate forwarding, be sure to set the option "Keep a copy"! Mails that are lost due to incorrect configuration of forwarding or are rejected by the recipient for whatever reason are considered successfully delivered for the internal mail server. These mails cannot be recovered.

You can set up permanent forwarding, such as redirecting all Uni-Landau mails to your RPTU account, without any problems.

You can set up e-mail forwarding to automatically send incoming e-mails to any other e-mail addresses.

Set up forwarding:

1. go to the URL
2. enter the following input data and start the login process by clicking on the "Login" button:

Username: Your URZ account
Password: The password you have entered

3. click on the"Settings" button
4. navigate to the"E-mail" >"Forwarding" page via the menu
5 . select the"Forward incoming messages" option
6. enter the e-mail address to which incoming messages are to be forwarded in the"E-mail addresses (separated by commas)" input field
7. click on the"Save" button to activate the settings. You have now finished setting up forwarding.

Set up forwarding at RPTU

RZ Service Center Landau

IT support for employees & students


Building: EIII, Room: 48, Floor: EG
76829 Landau


Montag - Freitag   09:00 - 11:00 O `clock

Montag - Donnerstag   12:30 - 15:00 O `clock