Set up forwarding to RPTU account

These instructions only apply to Landau identifiers!

Please note that employees in particular will have to move their account in the future. Make sure that you do not produce any duplicate emails in future (e.g. by leaving a copy on the server). Instructions on how to move mails will be published in the course of the year.


We recommend that you integrate both accounts (RPTU and Uni-Landau) into your mail program for the time being.

1. log in to SOGo and click on the settings

2. select the "E-mail" menu item in the settings.

3.1 Click on the "Forwarding" tab (1.)


3.2 Check the box "Forward incoming messages" (2.)

3.3 Enter your RPTU e-mail address here:
You can enter the account name e.g. "" or the selected alias e.g. ""

3.4 [OPTIONAL] If necessary, check the box "Keep a copy".

3.5 At the end, click on save (3.) - otherwise the rule will be lost again. Your emails will now be forwarded to your RPTU email address.

RZ Service Center Landau

IT support for employees & students


Building: EIII, Room: 48, Floor: EG
76829 Landau


Montag - Freitag   09:00 - 11:00 O `clock

Montag - Donnerstag   12:30 - 15:00 O `clock