Please note that employees in particular will have to move their account in the future. Make sure that you do not produce any duplicate emails in future (e.g. by leaving a copy on the server). Instructions on how to move mails will be published in the course of the year.
We recommend that you integrate both accounts (RPTU and Uni-Landau) into your mail program for the time being.
3.1 Click on the "Forwarding" tab (1.)
3.2 Check the box "Forward incoming messages" (2.)
3.3 Enter your RPTU e-mail address here:
You can enter the account name e.g. "" or the selected alias e.g. ""
3.4 [OPTIONAL] If necessary, check the box "Keep a copy".
3.5 At the end, click on save (3.) - otherwise the rule will be lost again. Your emails will now be forwarded to your RPTU email address.
RZ Service Center Landau
IT support for employees & students
Building: EIII
Room: 48
Floor: EG
76829 Landau
Tel.: +49 6341 280-31184
Montag - Freitag
- 11:00
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Montag - Donnerstag
- 15:00
O `clock