Mail - Synchronize address books between SOGo and Outlook

These instructions only apply to Landau identifiers!

Address books and the contacts stored in them are not kept up to date between Outlook and SOGo by default. The following steps describe how you can set up automatic synchronization.

Install Outlook plug-in

1. download the "Outlook CalDav Synchronizer" plug-in.
2. unpack the archive you have just downloaded to any location on your hard disk.
3. call up the setup.exe file in the unpacked archive and follow the instructions on the screen.

Select calendar

1. go to the URL
2. log in there with your URZ ID.


User name: your URZ user ID
Password: the password you have entered

3. click on the "Address book" button in the navigation bar.

4. select the menu of the address book you want to synchronize.

5. select the entry "Links to this address book".

6. copy the CardDAV URL to the clipboard (Ctrl + C).

Set up SOGo integration in Outlook

Attention: this step is only available if you have installed the "Outlook CalDav Synchronizer" plug-in as described above!

1. start Outlook and select the "CalDav Synchronizer" ribbon.

2. select the "Synchronization Profiles" entry.

3. add a new profile by selecting the "Add new Profile" entry.

4. leave the selection on "Generic CalDAV" and confirm by clicking on the "Ok" button.

5. make the following entries in the next window:

Outlook folder: A subfolder of your account - you may have to create one of the type "Contact" first!
Name: Any name for the profile, e.g: SOGO LD address book
DAV Url: The CardDav URL copied in the previous step
Username: Your URZ user ID
Password: The password you entered
Email address: Your complete email address

6. confirm the entries by clicking on the "Ok" button.
7. click on the "Synchronize now" button to synchronize your address book immediately.

The synchronization setup between SOGo and Outlook is now complete.

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